Once upon a time, a young african who want to change the Africa's Life condition…
Then, At birth her mother call him KUNDA which means « A gift from heaven »
Very curious,Kunda have learned a lot something on the Life of MAN… So He decided to go to school too early against the opinion of those parents
Kunda work hard for having the maximun of knowledges … then,this teacher noviced that Kunda is too clever and ambitious. To motivate Kunda,his school has decided that our young african will travel for Europe for continuing his training.
Arrive in Europe,Kunda start a good training in computer science for become a Engineer
After he travel for USA for work at IBM… thus,I earned a lot money.
At his back in Africa,Kunda plan to share all these knowledges in computer science and his money with all poor people in africa. Actually,Kunda is the generous african in Africa...