Friday, April 11, 2008

Picture Story 9, Robert Greenfort Becomes the Green Man, by Yannick

Once upon a time, Robert Greenfort who want for greening the world (picture added)

At Yale's University, the Physic's Professor Robert Greenfort decided to launch a campaign to change the world for a life more green

Somewhere in Department of Physic,

he works constantly to reduce his own footprint and design a green world (added)

On this paper,Greenfort explain why Green is,

People told him these ideas could never be implemented (added)

Few months ago, he published his Book : « Going,Going,Green! »

Thus he custom his car for it

He also created a new bike made from reusable materials (edited)

Very vegetarian, He ate this kind of food

Prof. Greenfort made a nice green dwelling inside of the trees (added)

Rob has a wonderful garden, He likes to take care of

modeled after his sister(added)

So addicted for a life more ecological, each week-end he disguises
himself in Green Man

According to Robert Greenfort,

Rob invites all of us to think Green. (added)