Sunday, March 30, 2008

Emailing: The Super 7 amphibian




Thursday, March 6, 2008

I use facebook to blog mostly partly only cuz it easy, here are some recent posts repasted for blogspot, check out the 4 recent posts. :D

a good blog post would be , What do you feel guilty of?, another would be what don't you feel guilty of? I don't feel guilty of torturing prisoners because I speak out frequently, and I do feel guilty that my country tortures prisoners.
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David Lynch wrote
at 6:29am
we give $15/a month now for 900kwh of hydro power. While our government scrap solar and wind incentives, I still have to try to live without my own burning of coal. That will help my guilt a tiny bit. However, to others, my home energy usage is now carbon neutral bitches. :D
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David Lynch wrote
at 6:07am
Bush, a little bit of truth coupled with a lot of mislead, and your money is going to iraq.
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David Lynch wrote
at 6:04am
is my new moto. Bush, Don't believe him. Here's what he said, here's why its a mistruth. If we stop believing him, and we have paper trails at the polls, we can stop spending our food money on airplanes, and helicopters in iraq, did you know a two days ago, united tried to buy diebold, a company that sells airplanes and helicopters for iraq. bush and condi are excellent at misleading, but get the message out, it is mistruth, it is propaganda, it is meant to mislead, it is always coupled with truth too, very clever.
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David Lynch shared a news story
at 10:46pm on March 4th, 2008
thank you bush and repub assholes for systematically bstripping renewable tax incentives in a time of profound global warm-ing for the benefit of your friends in oil and coal.

Policy standstill could stall U.S. clean tech | Green Tech blog - CNET
Renewable-energy businesspeople argue short-term deals and economic development are being thwarted by lack of policy action.

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David Lynch wrote
at 9:25am on March 4th, 2008
dem al gov siegelman imprisoned by bushfascism
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David Lynch wrote
at 1:49am on March 3rd, 2008
bush will put a price on carbon emissions after he leaves office, when will that be? gasp. Global warming will not absolutely destroy our planet.
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David Lynch wrote
at 1:25am on March 3rd, 2008
got a shitload of software done this weekend, all software systems need to be recrafted for simplicity in order to minimize future codebase maintenance. :P
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David Lynch wrote
at 1:21am on March 3rd, 2008
American voters are stupid, love war hawks, and is stuck in the past, with ignorant homophibic racists, prove me wrong bitches :P.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

'old school mentalities'

The Bushcain agenda is clearly corrupt, so I think we just stick that mainstream, it's more ironic to not mention it, than to ignore it, around others, My best guess, is getting the avg person to see bush is bad is like I don't know, getting people to stop eating at mcdonalds -- clearly americans behave more spineless/sheeple/clinging to  old school mentalities  than we could have ever previously imagined. :D