Saturday, December 1, 2007

educational video and rss tipping point

now I can calculate the volume of a solid, in 12 min, here is the

math is not necessarily a class we need to show up, neither are most.

youtube I'm having trouble get rss out of you.

adding feeds to, I like it much better than google reader, I want to see all updates at once, not click around, you can play podcasts right in the window, you are awesome, added

so all the children out there, here is how you can make the world a better place now, use your free time, to sort through, organize, comment, and popularize good content by digging it, however as the web advances, it will be a lot easier to accomplish that, Maybe 1000 chemistry lectures could be uploaded, and the children could help us sort out the useful stuff.

welcome to education 2.0

imagine a service, where you employ low wage people(that may currently be no wage people) to clean up your photo albums, it will and should come, but also so should ethical labor laws.